Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Chapter 2 test


* Create rating for movie


public class MovieRating


private String MovieName; //field

private int RunningTime;

private int numberOfRatings = 0;

private int averageRating = 0;

private int totalRating = 0; //declaration

private int maxRating = 0;


* Constructor for objects of class MovieRating


public MovieRating(String name, int time) //constuctor


MovieName = name; // local variable initialized

RunningTime = time;



* return MovieName


public void changeName (String newName) //method signature


MovieName = newName; //method body



* Set the running time in minutes.


public void setRunningTime (int newRunningTime) //mutator


RunningTime = newRunningTime;



* Get the running time in minutes. //comment


public int getRunningTime()


//RunningTime = RunningTime;

return RunningTime; //return statement



* Rate movie from 1 to 10.


public void addRating(int movieRating) //formal parameter (movieRating)


if (movieRating <> 10){ //conditional statement

System.out.println("Sorry. Only ratings of between 1 and 10 are accepted.");




if (movieRating == 10){

maxRating = maxRating +1; // assignment statement

totalRating = totalRating + movieRating; //expression

numberOfRatings = numberOfRatings +1;


else {numberOfRatings = numberOfRatings +1;

totalRating = totalRating + movieRating; //"=" is an assignment operator




* Print the movie rating.


public void getaverageRating() // void return type


System.out.println(MovieName+" has an average rating of "+totalRating/numberOfRatings+" rated by "+numberOfRatings+ " people.");



* Print the maximum rating.


public void printMax() //accessor


System.out.println(MovieName + " has an average rating of "+averageRating+" rated by "+numberOfRatings+ " people. "+ maxRating+" person(s) gave the movie the maximum rating of 10.");

} //things inside these {} brackets are block statement.


3. For each of the 4 vocabulary items marked with an "o", write one meaningful sentence using that item in reference to an object of class MovieRating.

§ The actual parameter of a movieName is the name of the movie the use puts in. For example – Inception.

§ Instance variable are fields. For example - numberOfRatings, totalRating, MovieName, RunningTime etc.

§ Scope of a field is the whole class. Therefore, for example – scope of MovieName is the whole class.

§ For a local variable, its lifetime will last only until the method exists. Once the method is removed, it gets destroyed. However, for fields the lifetime exists forever. For example – RunningTime is a field and therefore it lasts until the instance exists. MovieName is a local variable and therefore its lifetimes is only until that method exists.

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